The Sacramental and Pastoral Life of St Peter’s Parish.
WELCOMING. We all try to welcome new people and visitors to St Peter’s and we have official Welcomers on duty at the door. They have to get to Mass early to get the Books ready to hand out, the children also play their part in handing out the books. If you would like to volunteer to help with this Ministry, please contact Anne and Vincent Goodstadt (01865 883035).
CARING FOR THE SICK. If you feel called to take Holy Communion to the sick or housebound in our Parish then please speak to the Priest about it. This is a very solemn and special Ministry and we provide training for any who we feel are appropriate to take part in it. We also value the support of others who will visit the sick on a separate occasion just to have a chat with them.
BAPTISMS and /or BECOMING A CATHOLIC. Anyone who wants to be baptised or wants their child baptised should talk to the Priest after Mass on Sunday and he will arrange a time to meet you. A few people each year ask to become Catholics. They need to talk to the Priest who will arrange appropriate instruction.
MARRIAGES. Couples who want to get married at St Peter’s must contact the priest before they make any other arrangements. One of them must be a Catholic and both must be free to marry. The priest will then arrange a number of sessions to prepare them for the Marriage.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY. During the first half of our Sunday Mass, we organise a separate Liturgy for Children who are normally under eight in our Hall, The Tolkien Room. The Liturgy includes a time of prayer, a Gospel story, and some kind of activity related to the story. The children then present what they have drawn or made to the Priest when they return to the Mass at the Offertory. We welcome any parent to join us and support their child if he or she is a bit nervous. If you would also like to learn how to lead the Liturgy yourself, then please contact Margaret Stevens (01865 882384).
MUSIC IN CHURCH. Our Director of music is Jane Shaw (01865 881411) and she is assisted by two organists Richard Briggs and Nick Clapton. Every Sunday those of us who lead the music try to provide good support for everyone at Mass. We welcome anyone who can sing or play a musical instrument to join us. We meet in church occasionally to practise new music or to prepare for the major festivals.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. The Primary School linked to St Peter’s Parish is Our Lady of Lourdes in Witney. The Secondary School serving South Oxfordshire is St Gregory the Great in Cowley, Oxford. Because of the distances, many Catholics send their children to local schools.
CAFOD (The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development). CAFOD recommends two Fast Days a year in Lent and at Harvest time and a 2nd Collection for CAFOD is taken the following Sunday in each case. More details from our CAFOD Representative Peter Van Cauwelart (01993 357481).
THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. The Parish also has a Finance Committee that meets at least twice a year. We support and offer advice to the Priest in the decisions made about the Parish finances, especially with regard to the care and maintenance of our Church and other Buildings.
CHILD AND VULNERABLE ADULT PROTECTION. To help in safeguarding children or vulnerable adults, anyone who works with these groups is required by law to be checked by the Criminal Records Bureau. This applies to some voluntary workers in every Catholic Parish including our own, and the Parish has the responsibility to make sure that these checks are carried out. Contact person is Eric White (01865 722989).
ECUMENICAL CONTACTS, CHRISTIAN AID and GATEHOUSE. The three Churches in Eynsham – Catholic, Anglican and Baptist – have worked together for many years. Our representative on the Inter-Church Committee is Dr Martin Groves. We also arrange a Christian Aid Collection together during the CHRISTIAN AID WEEK which is run for the Churches by Catherine Baker (01865 881787) in May. Every other month we have a collection of sandwiches, cakes and warm clothes like gloves for the poor and homeless of Oxford which is organised by Marie Bridge (01865 604262).