
DATES for coming events in 2024.

  • Parish BBQ on Sunday 30th June following the 10am Mass.

    Charles and Stephanie Cottriall will be coordinating the Parish BBQ this year. Tickets will be available, after weekend Masses, from the 8th June.
    Please contact Charles and Stephanie on if you are able to offer help and support on the day and an idea of what you might be able to bring.

Events during the Christmas 2023.

Winter Party
on Friday evening 1st December: Allen & Margaret Stevens have very kindly offered to host this social occasion for the parish. Tickets are available after Mass this weekend. For more information, or for any donations you would like to make, please contact Margaret Stevens.

Three churches Carols for Christmas: The annual ecumenical carol singing programme this year begins on Thursday December 7th at 6:30 p.m. The churches will be carol singing on Abbey Green the newest of the West Eynsham developments, just past the Evenlode. We meet at 6:30 right at the entrance to the estate, which is accessed from Old Witney Road.
Then on Sunday 10th December at 4pm in the Village Square. All Welcome.

Confirmation Sunday 23rd September 2023.

Easter Vigil Celebration – April 2023.


Fourteen pilgrims set out from St Peter’s Eynsham on Friday 29 July 2022 after a blessing and singing To be a pilgrim. Following in the footsteps of our forebears, we walked via Wytham to the holy well at Binsey and St Margaret’s church. At All Saints Wytham we said a decade of the Rosary, and made the ancient stones ring with the chant of Salve Regina.

At the holy well we sang O living water as we remembered the waters of our baptism.

In St Margaret’s Binsey Fr Mark said Mass, probably for the first time in this church since the reformation. And the building seemed to rejoice to hear again the plainsong Sanctus and Agnus Dei.

Finally we had a well earned pub lunch in The Fishes, Hinksey. We hope to repeat the pilgrimage next year so that others may join us.

Easter at St Peter’s, 14-17 April 2022.

After Easter Vigil.

Altar of Repose, Maundy Thursday.

CAFOD LENT SOUP LUNCH – Friday 25th March 12.30 – 2.00pm in the Tolkien Room. ALL WELCOME. Minimum donation is £3 but larger donations will be gratefully received.  Thank you for your support.

The Remembrance Sunday, 14th November 2021.

Happy Pentecost 2021.

Christmas decoration in St Peter’s Church, 2020.